Christopher Rogers
Christopher studied Ancient and Modern History at Keble College Oxford University before completing the Common Professional Exam and the Bar Vocational Course. He was called to the Bar by the Middle Temple and lectured for many years at The University of Northumbria in Newcastle upon Tyne. He holds a Master of Laws degree in Canon Law from The University of Cardiff. He has taught on a broad range of courses both academic, undergraduate and postgraduate, and professional courses such as the BPTC and Professional Skills Courses for trainee solicitors. He was the Programme Leader for the LLB incorporating the Bar Vocational. He completed his LLM dissertation on the canonical and civil regulation of sexuality and has contributed to the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. He also wrote regularly for the Legal Executive Journal and contributed towards Public Law texts for students. He retains a great interest in History of many different periods, enjoys reading literature, and takes a keen interest in Church Affairs.
Since retiring from academia Christopher has moved into legal practice and now specialises in mental health law representing patients liable to be detained in hospital under civil and restricted sections of the Mental Health Act 1983.
Christopher is a keen advocate for patient’s rights and is committed to ensuring that the rights of vulnerable persons are protected.
Conference Papers and Publications:
Art and literature in the Trial of Oscar Wilde, SLSA Conference, Sussex University, Brighton, 2012
Rogers, Christopher, Mercer, Sarah, and Sandford-Couch, Clare (2011) Teaching dissent in the Law School: have students learned to disagree? Liverpool Law Review, 32(2) pp.135-148
Trials of Dissenters: Group Presentations as the primary teaching method in LLB Options, ALT, Clare College, Cambridge, 2010
Teaching Dissent in the Law School, SLS Conference, Keele University, 2009
Contributor to Public Law chapters in Smith R., Murrell, L., and Rook, D., Conversion Course Companion for Law: Cases and Principles for the CPE/GDL (London, 2008)